Luigi Pellegrin

Ricerche su componenti infrastrutturali lineari., 1973 Research on linear infrastructural components, FRAC

Luigi Pellegrin (1925-2001) was born in Courcelette, France. After graduating from Rome, he became one of the major advocates of Organic Architecture in Italy. He met Frank Lloyd Wright when he came to Italy in 1951. Become part of the A.P.A.O. , Association for Organic Architecture founded by Bruno Zevi in ​​Rome in 1945. Soon he develops his original experimental organic architecture in which expressionist, technological and scientific motifs are grafted. Luigi Pellegrin has always highlighted the priority of space-time not as a linguistic choice, but as a specific material of architecture. From the beginning Pellegrin conceived the form as a function of space-time; but later it gave it growth and progressive alteration, identifying the quality with the process of change. This process is legitimized when it recreates an autonomous biological composition between the human community on the planet and its instruments of life, a disalienating symbiosis that Pellegrin found in Louis Sullivan.


Villa unifamiliare via Aurelia,

Luigi Pellegrin’s Casa Bifamiliare sull’Aurelia, Rome, Italy, 1964

FRAC link

Pellegrin – Architettura organica sperimentale

July 19, 2020